Monday, December 12, 2011

How does one go about choosing a Military branch to join?

How do you decide and how do you know what to look for and what to do?

I'm still undecided about which branch to join How do you decide?

I've taken many online quizs and I get matched up with the Marines and the Army but I dunoo. Whyd u choose your branch and do you mind if I email you with some questions?|||Well I spent 10 years in the AF and looking back, sometimes I am amazed how much I miss it, I really enjoyed my time. I think service in the military is one of the greatest ways one can serve his/her country...

As far as which one is the best for you, it really depends on your makeup, and how you want to serve... Assuming your talking about general enlistment and not a Officers commission... Here are some thing to consider

Army: Whatever your specialty is, you are a soldier first. Plenty of combat training. Chances are you will spend some time in the desert.

Air Force: Specialties are mostly of a support nature, as only Officers are pilots (possible to be part of flight crew). Very little combat training. May spend time in desert, but not in combat role...

Navy: Do you like water? Must know how to swim. Most likely will spend a significant amount of time on a ship... Some combat training...

Marines: Like Army are soldiers first. Lots of combat training.. Will spend time in the desert... Might also need to know how to swim.

So if you are chomping at the bit for some action... Try the Army or Marines. If you want to see the World, try the Navy. If you want to serve, but don't necessarily want to be on the front lines, AF is the your best bet. Also out of the 4 as far as the restrictions placed on you, AF has the fewest... Your life is pretty much yours once you are off duty.|||You visit each different military recruiter's office and ask questions pertaining to their program and your goals. Otherwise, you could also talk to former or even presently enlisted personnel to get their opinion or feedback.|||I don't know, but check several sources.

You will be one of my heroes, one of my family's, and I teach my students what our armed forces do for us.

My thanks and respect.

I was too cowardly to join (brave enough to turn in my registration card, first in my highschool, though I didn't tell anyone that didn't ask).

I shake the hand and thank every military man and woman I meet and introduce them to my baby daughter.|||My son went around and asked questions find the one that offers the best "deal" they have all kinda different incentives bonuses,college deals just shop around and find the best deal.|||What are u most interested in doing? Its all according to you and what you want. all u do is find a recruiter and he will be able to answer all ur questions. Go to ur Local National guard, they will be able to help u but don't join unless u want to go to Iraq!!|||army basic training is shorter, and army gets promotions faster more $$$-----marines arent supposed to be in it for the money. also, army soldiers are generally more intelligent|||I don't know much about the military, but I do know a thing or two about the benefits.

In order best to worst

1. Air Force

2. Army

3. Navy

4. Marines

Or at least, that is what I was told.|||many jobs are in all four brances ofr the US Military, general catagories of Transportation,Medical, Security, administration,and Supply are in all branches.

then each Branch has jobs only found in there Branch:

In the navy they have all kinds of jobs relating to the care,and operations of sea going ships, since the ship are at sea, and there are few navies out roaming around , there are few combat jobs, unles they are ships defence, attack submarines, and aircrew of aircraft carriers.

Air Force has many jobs that relate to cargo loading, transporting,aircraft repair and national radar warning etc, others may have aircraft but they are different aircraft. few airforce jobs are direct combat rlated, pilots fly the aircraft, and security police carry guns, thats about it.

the Army has specific jobs in Artillary, Helecopters repair and has many supply and medical jobs, and most are duel role with combat skills.

The Marines have few jobs that are unique, since the Marines are a Corp (part of the Navy). they are the land combatants for the navy, usualy the first ones into combat, most jobs are duel role with combat jobs.

, then it's just a personal choice of really what branch you would prefer to do that job in, maybe you like the Marines uniform, or the Air forces. The Branches, like companies, are different in there "personalities, and there purpose, they do all share one purpose, and that is national defense and co-operation with other branches as needed.

If you like a lot of discipline, close fellowship and want to be in good physical shape doing any of the above general jobs, or a specific job of this branch, then the Marines may be your choice.

like a 7:30 to 4:30 job, no marching to work, and have a slim chance of ever being in a combat environment, then the US Air Force is for you, better job skills usable in civilian life, and remember the officer pilots do the fighting, not the enlisted.

The Navy ha alot of adventure and alot of boredom, many unique ship board job skills, not much time at a home or nice port, but if you like to have a real change of surrounding and can endure the monotonous duties at sea, the pay off of adventure would be a good choice for you.

I spent 20 yrs in the USAF, 3 in the Army, was stationed with Marines and Navy oversea, had a father in the Marines, along with a son, and several friends, another son in the Army now in Iraq, many good friends i the Navy, and my wife was in the army, along with my dad, sister, and several friends. So I think I understand each Branch well, can see through the recruitment tactics (hey they got to fill the jobs), and each branch has it's good and bad. I do wish I had gone i the Navy. If you want usable skills as a civilian go Air force or Navy, if you want to have close friendships and combat skills go marines or Army,|||My exhusband was Army and he wasn't exactly treated the best. I'm not saying this is for all the Army but maybe just where he was. My brother in law and best friend were both Air Force so I decided to join that branch. From what I hear it is the branch that treats its people the best. I've been AD Air Force for almost 2 1/2 years now. Some days I love it and other days I think to myself Man I should have just stayed in school and finished my degree... (i had 3 years of college under my belt before I joined). I do think that the Air Force has the best school and career opportunities.. meaning better jobs if you decide not to make it a career and get out. It really is up to you though. The best thing you can do is try and talk to people who are actually in each branch or were in, recruiters and nice and everything but sometimes they are not entirely honest. I'm not calling them liars but their are some things they forget to mention sometimes :). Good luck in whatever decision you decide to make.|||Your local community college should offer a career guidance course. They're typically just 6-8 weeks long and test your aptitudes, interests, and skills. At the end, you'll have a good idea what types of careers you'd be best at. Once you've done that, or something like it, start talking to recruiters about what their branch of the service can offer you. Be open when talking about what you can offer the military in return... (confidence never hurts!!) and do the research, as you would with any career search. Some jobs will be more prevalent in one branch than another... some MOS's will have quicker advancement tracks than others...

There is a lot of information about different MOS designations online... read, read, read... know what you want and what you have to offer before you talk to recruiters. It's much less likely that you'll get the runaround from a recruiter if it's obvious you've done your homework!

Best of luck to you, and thanks for your willingness to serve our country!|||Its depends if you have the strive to be the best there is

then hands down United States Marine Corps

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