Thursday, December 8, 2011

What is the best branch to enter into in the military?

In your opinion, which is the best branch to enter into in the military? What do you have to endure? Benefits? Experience?

I'm interested in getting into one, but I do not know which would be best and I'm confused at what sets them all apart.|||An Air Force member will tell you Air Force.

An Army member will tell you Army.

A Navy man will tell you Navy.

A Marine will tell you the Marine Corps.

Air Force works in planes.

Navy does boats and planes.

Army does fighting and just the stuff a big army does.

Marines do fighting fighting fighting and then for something a little different some more fighting.

If you want to do something that serves your country and still be safe, Air Force is good.

Navy is good to learn a trade and see some of the world and also stay relatively safe.

Army is good if you want to fight, see the world, and learn a trade.

Marines is good if you're nuts, want to fight fight fight, and want a lot of camaraderie.

They all get the same benefits.. though Air Force might be better for college stuff IDK. Experience depends on your jobs.. though for the real world Marines is probably good for cop or federal stuff.. not so much a mechanic or something.. that would be Navy or Army.

Good luck, thanks for considering serving!|||It all depends on the job you want and how much of a military type experience you want. I'm in the Air Force and in my field the Navy and the Army promote a lot quicker and we have the same jobs, so it's best to do your research. Look into where you'll be stationed, how often with that job you'll get deployed, promotion rate, if you can do the college option, bonuses, reenlistment bonuses, etc. The services have many of the same jobs, you just need to decide where you would want to do that job. Take your time and think about your options, it's 3-6 years you can't get back once you sign the papers.|||I know a decent amount of info on the branches and I'm not in any so I can give you an unbiased answer.

You say "best" branch. Best can mean a lot of things. The Marines are the most elite fighting force in the world. So if by "best" you mean elite, then Marines.

If by "best" you mean which branch takes care of you the most, offers you the most, then, although it's close, I'd say either the Air Force, Navy, or Army.

The Army offers the biggest signing bonuses and faster promtions, and also garentee that you get the job you want.

Air Force has the shortest deployments and is known to have to nicest bases.

The Navy allows you to sail and travel all over the world more so than the other branches.|||it all depends on what you want to do.

Marines- they go in first and have the most training but they do the most work and take the most hits out of the entire military branch as being ruthless killers.

Navy- they primarily work over seas and rarely get home but they see the least combat unless in a major war. your pirmary job would most likely be maitain the the working order of the crew, ship, or any other equipment that is presently onboard.

U.S.A.F.- (united states air force) is based on people who use computers and tech. more than pilost themselves. The requirements to become a pilot are difficult but they pay off. Otherwise you would either be put behind a desk or work on an recon plane that determines what and where they enemy may lie or how the weather is looking for future testing drills for the combat squads.

---hope i can help---

---good luck with what you choose to do and have a long and happy life.|||air force gets you the best treatment once you are in (food, basic treatment) you also need 20/20 vision to get accepted

marines gets you best treatment once you have proved yourself to your officer

marines is also much harder to get accepted and once you are accepted it is still extremely hard to pass the pt and basic test

army treats you like crap|||I was in the Marines and I really enjoyed it for the most part. If I were you I'd shop myself around and see who is going to give me the best opportunities. Study hard for the ASVAB scoring high will give you better leverage when talking to recruiters about a military career.|||if you want promises go to the army, if you want to spend 12 months on a boat join the navy, if you like to fly join the air force, but if you wanna be the very best and have the honor to be one of the few join the Marines

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