Thursday, December 15, 2011

What branch has officers that are actually in the action?

I am really considering serving my country and becoming an officer in the military. (I just graduated college) But truthfully, I am a little scared of doing it.

Anyway, as of now I am a fire fighter, and I really love action. What branch would I see a lot of excitement, especially in regards to rescuing people? I am really considering the coast guard, but any info would be appreciated.

Thanks.|||While my personal experience is entirely in the CG, I'd submit finding the "action" has more to do with seniority (or lack thereof) than service. The junior officers - O-1, O-2, O-3 - are generally in the middle of the action, all services. When you get more senior than that - you often find youself in a supervisory, non front line role. As a junior Coast Guard officer, I was driving ships, doing law enforcement boardings, helping pull migrants off rickety boats. As a senior one, I now mostly ride a desk. There are exceptions to this of course, but generally the way it goes.|||well, enlisted men get more action usually, in the army and marines you will be able to get into the action, but not when you get higher up in the ranks|||NAVY SEALs |||Just make sure you go to an Officer Recruiter if you have a BS degree, if not you are in the enlisted ranks.|||The USAF, USN have combat search and rescue. However, no officers are firefighters, strictly an enlisted job. Another option would be the USCG.

In the USAF, you could be a helicopter pilot, or Pararescueman

In the USN, the rescue swimmers are enlisted only (like the CG) however, they do have SAR helos

Don't believe the crap about officers "not doing". As aircrew you're are DEFINITELY "doing" as with PJ.|||The primary job of the officer, is to let others do, if you want to be the guy who does enlist. |||Army - all the way|||The officer makes the big decisions, the NCO gets the job done, the lower enlisted are the worker ants. To be a senior NCO takes a very long time. If you want to be an officer and do a job, consider the USAF where you can fly or work OSI, or look into intelligence|||All branches. The Coast Guard sees a lot of action in drug interdiction events.

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