Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is it possible to propagate a tree from a dead branch?

I have a baby tree that was healthy for several years in a pot, but then died because its conditions changed. I originally grew this tree from a live branch from the parent tree. I stuck it in a glass of water, roots grew and I planted the branch. Is it possible to do that again with a branch from the dead propagation?|||No. No living tissue under the bark means no roots will grow. Dead is dead.|||Might as well try it. I mean really the branch you had before was technically dead as well so it should work. Though I didnt know you could even do that with a branch so what do I know...|||Not in a million years. You need to use a "live" branch.|||Well no not really. If the propogation is dead, then it won't be able to regrow|||No, nothing will grow if it is dead. It has to have some life in it to catch.|||yes do it root tone will help

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