Monday, December 12, 2011

What is the best branch of the military to join?

I've thought of joining a branch in or right after High School in a reserve spot then go to college and join a ROTC program. The join actvice duty when i have a degree.

I wanted to fly and be a jag is there any way i could do that to

So what is the best choice?|||u.s. marines.|||Navy|||If I was going to join, I would join the Air Force. Flying a jet would be awesome. Of course, you have to be eligible to qualify to fly the planes.|||USMC ooohh rahh semper fi|||Air Force is cushiest.

Navy is most academic.

Army will prepare you best for life after service.

Marines are for the toughest sons of bitches in our society.|||Air force gets the best treatment, gets the best food, and has the most women.|||join the pay corp. less chance of getting shot!|||I would suggest Air Force.A few members of my family served and other than basic training,they loved it.Plus,it's a safer route than being a Marine.|||Air Force.

Traditionally they have had the most 9-5ish types of jobs. And, although you are treated pretty bad in all of them, you are treated far more humanely there.

You will not get rank as fast, but most army guys I talked to wished they had joined the AF. Marines are just, kinda insane, but they seem to know that and like the idea so they want to be there. (Although one girl I was in meps with went in for the uniform)

As far a Navy, that would be second choice, for the way you are treated, but ship life is supposed to be all work since there is nothing else to do. Cramped quarters too.

They all suck but AF least, then Navy, then Army, then Marines.

If you want to go to college, don't go to reserves/guard now, you will go to Iraq.

And no matter what make sure you have a reserved job, do not go in open.|||Join the Navy, where you only have to dodge large bullets|||If you are smart enough to ask this question, you should be smart enough to know that there is no branch of the military that is good to join. The recruiters will lie to you. They will tell you your scores on the pre-tests are some of the highest they have seen. "You will be able to do whatever you want!" is a phrase they tell everyone.

DO NOT SIGN ANY PAPERS until you take them home for a parent, teacher, lawyer or someone else whom you know and trust to review them with you.

Make sure to get all of the recruiter's promises in writing in your enlistment agreement. Spoken promises will not protect you from becoming a target in Iraq. Over 3000 USA soldiers have died there. Tens of thousands don't have arms and/or legs.

Find out (in writing) before you sign anything, whether you need to pass a special test, get a security clearance, or do anything else before you can get the job or options you want.

LEARN MORE!! To learn more about these issues, check out It offers information about military recruitment efforts, literature you can use to learn more, and it also tells you how you can be trained to assist your friends dealing with enlistment questions.|||It's a personal preference.|||I don't think you can fly and be a JAG. The JAG is the Judge Advocate General (basically they are the military lawyers). To fly you need to be a pilot.

The TV show JAG only has him flying, because he was a pilot that got injured or something and so he lost his flight status (can't qualify for the physical) so now he is a JAG.

You can fly in any of the services. Navy and Air Force will have the most options to fly.|||It depends on what type of person you are. In my opinion and through my experience Army National Guard offers the best educational benefits, training programs, etc. National Guard will pay for 100% of your tuition (in-state). If you already have a scholarship, they will also match your scholarship. You also collect GI Bill (currently $309/month for full-time students).

I say that National Guard is better because there are more Guard units than Air Guard?Air Reserve, Army reserve and that give you the advantage of choosing an MOS (military occupational Specialty) that you want.

ROTC- You can be in Guard and ROTC at the same time. You can get some really good scholarships by doing that.

Aviation- If you want to fly, in most cases, unless you are already a pilot, you have to be in for a few years, then go to OCS or WOCS to become an officer and then go to flight school (assuming you pass the Physical and written exam and got accepted into an Aviation Unit.

JAG- Honestly not sure. You have to have a law degree and pass the BAR exam I believe.

You cannot be an Army Aviator and a JAG at the same time. They are two separate branches.|||U.S MARINES BABY.....OOOORAH|||First lets address flying. Most Fighter Pilots are Academy grads. That does not mean its impossible, just very hard. You best bet is either the Air Force or the Navy. I believe that the Navy actually has more fighter pilots then the Air Force, but you might want to check that out. The Marines also have Fighter but not as many. The Army does not have Fighter planes. If you are willing to fly something else say a helicopter or cargo plane your chances are much better and all four branches are looking for people for those jobs.

Next JAG. To be an office in JAG you will likely need a Law Degree, not just pre-law. My advice is to go active as an office doing what every job you originally want and then go to law school on your off time. When you are active duty you can usually go to collage in whole or part on the governments dime. Now if you don't end up wanting to be a pilot or find out early on that you cannot then go ahead and go to law school before going active duty.

As far as doing both it is very difficult. In the military you have one job. If you are a pilot you are a pilot if you are a lawyer your are a JAG officer. You cannot do both at the same time. That being said it would be possible to be a pilot first then acquire your law degree and switch over to JAG.

My advice is that you go talk to people that do the jobs you are interested in. You may find out that they are not what you want or that you cannot qualify for one of them. DO NOT under any circumstance only talk to recruiters, there job is to get you to sign on the dotted line not to find the best fit for you.

As for which service is better. They all have there good points and there bad points. It depends on the kind of environment you like. Again go talk to people in the service, hang out with them. Judge whether you want to work and live with people like them. The military is not like other jobs, when you are in the military you are part of a family and you take the good with the bad. You will be around the people you work with 24/7 at times.

All that being said, if you want to be a pilot and then a JAG officer, I would say Navy or Air Force. If you are really, really gung-ho and very physically fit then Marines.|||It depends on what you want to fly, if you want to fly choppers, I personally think that Army warrant officers pilots is the way to go, I am actually looking into it now. If you want to be a JAG officer you have to already go to law school before you join. Of course if you want to be an airplane pilot I recommend Air Force, they seem most civilian like.|||If you want to fly, go to any base as national guard, reserves or active duty. And stay there about 2 years until you decide to go to the 4-year college for ROTC and then go to the law school for being a future JAG.

Any best military branch is just one, not 2. Your choice is army, navy, air force or marine.

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