Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the best branch of the service and why?

what is the best branch of the servise and why do you think so. im just wonderin what branch you guys like most=]. personaly im not sure on my opinion so be persuasive.|||You must determine what is the best for you. What do you hope to gain for yourself by joing a branch of the military.

Financially, each offers the same set of pay grades for the enlisted (E-1 to E-9) or the officers (O-1 to 0-10); the names of the ranks are different not the pay checks.

Each service has the same education opportunities for the GI Bill and the tuition assistance programs; they just have different opportunities to use them while still serving.

The big difference is lifestyle that is offered by each branch. The Air Force and the Navy have fewer positions that are directly combat related though both have positions that are extremely tough (pararescue and combat controllers with the Air Force; the SEALS in the Navy).

There are special programs that do offer more money in each of the different services. Those bonuses are not being offered because you are a nice person; they are offered because those positions are difficult to fill (based on qualifications or interest).

You need to contact your local recruiters to get the specifics offered at this time.

You should ask veterans that you know which service they would choose if they were to do it all over again, then ask what their second choice would be. Those opinions should matter to you more than a bunch of unknown people going through Yahoo Answers.|||depends on what you're looking for...

if you want the easy route, the air force

if you want to become tough, the marines

army and navy somewhere in between...|||all branches are good and it depends on what kind of job you want to do in the service..also knowed as a mos..if you want to fight on the ground or in armor and don't want to do 6 months at sea then the Army is for you..and if you like the water then the Marines is for if want to be a sailor thens its the Navy or Coast Guard..and if you like planes and no water then its the Air Force..its up to you..all branches offer great jobs and adventure..I like the Army ..the most..that's because I am an Army brat..and live over seas when my father was in ..|||Hands down !!

The United States Coast Guard.

Why ?

Because they train to SAVE LIVES, and not in combat to kill. Not that I dont think we should have armed forces, but I believe in LIFE far more than Death !

See the movie ....... "The Guardian" with Kevin Costner, its based upon the truth.|||i think the marines are the best because the dint leave any one behind not even the enemy. and there the first on the battle Field and the last to leave the battle|||Army veteran here. ARMY HOOAHHH!!!!! They are the bulk of the fighting.|||Marine Corps. Elite. Proud. Feared and respected.And women love our uniforms.

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