Sunday, December 4, 2011

What branch does the US military dispatch for natural disasters?

What branch does the US military dispatch to countries that are need of help or internationally?|||all Five Branches respond. The Navy provides Hospital ships, Marines and Army provide ground personnel for security and Search and Rescue, and the AF provides air drops and the CG provides maritime security.|||We try to keep politics out of the military section. Most of the people who drag it in or either ideologically driven or just idiots. We have a good example in the responses to this question. Apparently "A" didn't see the 82D Airborne Division, elements of the National Guard from ten different states, the Coast Guard and the United States Navy assisting in New Orleans. Nor did he notice this after Hurricane Rita and the hurricanes the previous years in Florida. Ignorant people never come off well in the military section. So please go away.

Now on to your question. As you can see from what I have put above, all elements can be deployed within and outside of the US to assist during natural disasters. In some cases like the Tsunami the US Navy can be on the scene before the effected government can get there. And in the cases within the US, we can send whatever we need but the National Guard is almost always first on the scene. In the case of New Orleans we sent so much that we had more assets on the ground than could effectively work. Ignore what the media told you and read the official accounts. It was the most successful rescue effort ever conducted in the United States.|||All of them plus other civilian US Government agencies.

For the military, usually a Joint Task Force will be set up that is made up of all branches of service. How much of each service will depend on the location and type of disaster.



Under Bush, the US military was the largest responder to the 2004 tsunami, various earthquakes and a cold weather disaster in China.|||All of them have been dispatched. Usually its the National Guard, which comprises of Army and Air Force elements. However, active duty representation of all branches have been seen in numerous disasters.|||Too many resources are devoted to helping other countries when the USA is in need of support itself. Part of the reason why we are in so much debt.|||When George W. Bush was President, he didn't dispatch any of them. I suppose it depends on how may white wealthy people will be inconvenienced.|||A is an ignorant fool. Do some research and eat your words, retard.

Whoever is closest and free to help goes.|||National guard|||Any or all, depending on the need.|||All of them depending where it is

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